Despite anything you have heard about Freemasonry each man hears the following on the very first night he begins:
By the exercise of brotherly love we are taught to regard the whole human species as one family, the high and the low, the rich and the poor, who being created by on Almighty Parent and inhabiting the same planet are to aid, support and protect one another. On this principle Masonry unites men of every country, sect and opinion …
To relieve the distressed is a duty incumbent on all men, but particularly on Masons who are linked together by an indissoluble chain of affection. To Sooth the unhappy, to sympathize with their misfortunes, to compassionate their miseries and to restore peace to their troubled minds is the grand aim we have in view
Truth is a divine attribute and the foundation of every virtue. To be good and true is the first lesson we are taught in Masonry … hypocrisy and deceit are unknown among us; sincerity and plain dealing distinguish us.
Temperance should be the constant practice of every Mason.
Prudence teaches us to regulate our lives and actions agreeably to the dictates of reason.
Justice is that standard of right which enables us to render to every man his justs due without distinction.
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